Frequently asked questions.

Will you train my dog for me?

While I won’t train your dog for you, I will teach you the skills you need so that you and your dog can learn together. So much of the training that you’ll do with your dog will happen between formal training sessions, practicing what you learn in class at home, on walks, at the vets, etc.

How long does dog training take?

Dogs, like humans, all learn at different paces and are better at some things than they are at others. Like so many new skills, training your dog requires consistency and patience to improve - practice makes perfect, as they say! It’s difficult to put a timeline on how long it takes to train certain behaviours because each dog and owner are unique.

What methods do you use to train dogs?

The training methods that I use are rooted in positive reinforcement, which essentially means rewarding the dog for the behaviour we want in order to make it more likely to happen again! As a proud member of the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT), I follow a code of ethics that puts the wellbeing of the dog at the heart of training and actively discourages the use of punishment, force, or any other aversive methods or equipment.

What is a training class like?

Classes last for approximately 1 hour, during which time we’ll play games and go through various exercises to help us train different behaviours. I like to keep my classes nice and small, giving me the ability to give all participants the focus they deserve, so there’ll always be a maximum of 4 participants per class.

Will I get support between classes?

Absolutely! After each class, I’ll send out a brief recap of what we’ve covered, along with some things for you to practice at home. If there’s anything you’re struggling with or not sure about, you can always contact me and I’m happy to help.

What should I wear?

Dog training most definitely isn’t the time to get on your Sunday Best! There’s likely to be plenty of fur, slobber, mud (if training outside) and all sorts of fun stuff when attending training. Wearing practical, comfortable clothes that you wouldn’t mind getting dirty is always a safe bet. You’ll be asked to move around with your dog a lot during classes, so sensible footwear is also a must. In the case of training outside in the rain, a hood is always recommended over an umbrella so you have both hands free.

Will we be training outdoors or indoors?

Both! There are lots of benefits to training both indoors and out, so where possible and pending venue availability, I will always try to offer a mix of both. The address of the venue will always be provided in your confirmation email, and if the opportunity to train in a different environment does become available, I will let you know in good time.

What if the weather is bad?

Better get those waterproofs on! Unfortunately, the great British weather is just one of those unpredictable things we all have to contend with! On the whole, if we’re training outside, classes will still go ahead in the rain. Obviously, the safety of you and your dogs is paramount, so in the case of extreme weather conditions, it might be safer and more productive to cancel, but this will be looked at on a case by case basis.

What should I bring to class?

While I’ll provide any equipment needed for the exercises, you should bring the following:

  • the dog (people have been known to forget this one!)

  • a suitably fitting harness and flat lead (no extendable leads, slip leads, choker chains or head collars, please)

  • a bed, blanket or mat for pooch to settle on

  • a selection of favourite toys

  • an up-to-date vaccination record

  • a selection of pooch’s favourite treats (bring more than you think you’ll need!)

Got any questions that haven’t been answered here?
No problem, just get in touch and I’ll be happy to help!